Friday, September 12, 2008


After Dubai, Dad and I returned to London for a few days before returning home. Dad had business meetings, so I explored the London Bridge, London Tower, and Westminster Abbey by myself. This was the day that I didn't have my camera, so no pictures unfortunately!

As I said at the beginning of the blog, if you want to see all of the photos of the trip, go to I recommend viewing them on slideshow mode.

Though we had a blast on our trip, Dad and I are happy to be home. Dad has spent a lot of time working and planting his fields around the house and I have been getting some chores done in the house. Returning home is harder than I thought it would be, but Dad and I are both doing great.

Before I left to meet Dad in England, I saw that we had a hatch of koi fish in our bigger pond. We had hundreds of inch long light yellow and black little fish swimming around in schools. When we got back, these same fish had changed colors and grown to about 3 inches. They are now yellow, black, white, orange, and red! We enjoy watching them grow.

I have a few more projects to finish at my dad's house, but I will soon move on. I am going to visit Lindsey (who just bought a new house!) in Austin, TX next week and if I like the city, I will probably move there and hopefully find a job and my own place. This is a scary, but exciting time!

I hope you enjoyed hearing about our trip! Please let me know how you and your families are doing!


Lindsey and Brady said...


I love your blog! It was so cool to read about your trip and the photos are great. Can't wait to see you later this week!


Anonymous said...

Dear Carrie,
We have enjoyed so much reading and learning about your trip from this blog. Looks like you and your Dad had a great trip. I'm glad Linsey started this process of sharing and I hope more jump on board and do the same. If I remember correctly, there's only three families that don't have email and this is so much better than the BRECKEL BUZZ!
Love, Rick and Marie

Anonymous said...

What a trip!! And so much history. You posted it very well. Did you pick up any English accent or expressions? like the "bloody" pudding?
I'm glad you're home safely and look forward to seeing you at Lindsey's in a couple of weeks.
Aunt Bunny

Jonathan said...

Were you not exhausted? You went everywhere! I liked the last Irish song you recorded. Thanks for sharing your pictures and cool tidbits from your trip. I have a blog too, in case you want to check it out:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie!

I loved your blog! I have been looking forward to hearing all about your trip. I am glad to hear you and your dad had such a great time. I can't wait to give him a hard time about the picture with that thing on his head! That cracked me up! Does he even know you posted those photos?

Anyhow.....It sure was great to get an update on you guys. Have fun in Austin and tell Lindsey and Brady hi for me.


Mandy :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sending me your blog site and I loved it all!! I'm tired just reading about everything you did. You guys did it all. Sandy and I want to go to Ireland and I was thinking a tour but now it might be by car like you all did. Looking forward to more of your adventures. It's so much fun reading your stories! I'll write later.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Blogs - the form letter of 2008!

Wow, Carrie - your blog is an education!! Well done!!

Love having "access" to your life, and to U. Darrell's (so far - I guess the future ones will be less of your Dad and more of AUSTIN!!) **I owe all of you a letter - its been in formation in my head for awhile - does that count?

I love the pics you included - can't believe a pidgeon sat on his head!!

Hmmmm, maybe I should start one too?